REVIVE Improving Post-Collision Response and Emergency Care in Europe

Around 135.000 people suffered a life-changing, serious injury on Europe’s roads in 2014, according to European Commission data. Improvements in emergency response can help prevent deaths and life-changing injuries in road collisions. However, emergency response has not been getting the fair share of attention in terms of research, best practice exchange and measures in the European Union.
The aim of the REVIVE project is to map Emergency Medical Service (EMS) and Rescue and Fire Service (RFS) practices in the EU28 and raise the profile of both EMS and RFS on the national and European political agendas. The REVIVE project aims at improving post-crash care provided by EMS and RFS in order to mitigate the consequences of road collisions. One of the key outcomes of the project is to have established an international network of experts, researchers and practitioners in the field of post-collision care and emergency response. Lastly, the REVIVE project will contribute to promoting the need for EU-wide action on tackling serious road traffic injuries.
The project will include:
- Round tables in five different regions of Europe, bringing together experts from both the health, fire/rescue and the transport sector, providing them with a space to exchange ideas and best practices from their respective member states.
- Publication of five case studies outlining the best EMS or/and RFS practice examples.
- Publication of a Synthesis Report for EMS and RFS experts and European policy makers. The report will compare different EU member states and how they perform in terms of EMS/RFS practices and introduce recommendations for national and EU decision makers.
- Videos explaining best practice in efficient EMS and RFS.

The REVIVE project receives financial support from Toyota Motor Europe.