iSAFER Intelligent Speed Assistance for European Roads

Illegal and inappropriate speed is the single biggest contributory factor in fatal road crashes. It increases both the risk of a crash happening and the severity of injuries that result. Managing speed is therefore the most important measure to reduce death and injury on our roads.
The objective of the iSafer campaign was to contribute to reducing speed-related road deaths and injuries through the identification and promotion of best practice. The project included a special focus on Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) and promoting its use at European and national level.
How does ISA work, and how could it boost road safety? Find out more on our web page dedicated to ISA technologies.
The campaign included:
- Seminars at a national and European level, aiming to raise awareness of the risks of speeding, and exploring the best strategies for introduction of ISA.
- A policy paper on speed, looking at priorities for reducing deaths on our roads related to speed, focussing primarily on ISA.
- A ranking showing the ‘state of play’ of digital maps and ISA implementation in the different EU Member States.
- Six fact sheets on speed that showcased best practice in each of the following areas: behaviour, vehicles, in-vehicle technology, infrastructure, speed limits.
- A Speed Monitor newsletter three times a year which included monitoring of EU and national policies that have an impact on speed related road safety within the 28 EU countries.

The iSafer project received financial support from the Flemish Government, Fundación MAPFRE and 3M.