19 April 2016 – What is the way forward on improved speed management? – Göteborg

  • April 19, 2016

Tuesday 19 April 2016, 09.00-13.00

Chalmers Conference Centre, Johanneberg, Chalmers platsen 1, 412 58 Göteborg

Chalmers University of Technology, the Swedish Transport Administration, Folksam and the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) held a conference on “What is the way forward on improved speed management?”.

For years, speed has been recognised as one of the three main contributing factors to deaths and injuries on our roads. And for more than a decade, ETSC has been advocating the benefits of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA), a driver assistance system that a 2014 Norwegian study found to be the ‘most effective’ in saving lives. 2016 could prove to be a turning point in wide adoption of the technology.

The event is part of the iSafer campaign which aims to contribute to reducing speed-related road deaths and injuries through the identification and promotion of best practice. The campaign includes seminars aiming to raise awareness of the risks of speeding and exploring the best strategies for the introduction of Intelligent Speed Assistance systems. The project receives financial support from Fundación MAPFRE, the Flemish Government and 3M.

Download the agenda

Presentations for download:

Suzanne Andersson – City of Gothenburg

Anders Kullgren – Head of traffic safety research, Folksam

Oliver Carsten – University of Leeds

Astrid Linder – Research Director, Traffic Safety – The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute

Anders Lie – Swedish Transport Administration and Euro NCAP

Graziella Jost – ETSC

Jenny Rassmus – Swedish Transport Administration

Mikael Wik, Technical Manager Sepab