ETSC shows new MEPs the benefits of smart speed tech

  • November 4, 2014

At its first major event for newly-elected MEPs in the European Parliament, ETSC and leading experts on Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) technology briefed policymakers on how the systems work, and how they can benefit road safety, business, consumers and the environment.

The European Commission is currently reviewing which new safety technologies should be fitted as standard in new cars. A revised ‘General Safety Regulation’ is expected later this year.

Research shows that assisting, but overridable, ISA systems could reduce fatal crashes by 37%. The benefits outweigh the costs of implementation even when effects such as replacing traditional and costly traffic calming measures are excluded.

A Norwegian study published last year found that ISA was the driver support system with the biggest life-saving potential.

A survey in the UK last year found that two thirds of British adults are in favour of ISA for commercial and public transport vehicles. A poll by Touring, a Belgian motoring organisation, found 75% of respondents would support a system that warns drivers when they exceed the speed limit.

See iSafer event web page and briefing