19 September – Speed Management: from Research to Implementation, Tampere, Finland

  • September 19, 2016

Tampere Hall, Yliopistonkatu 55, 33100 Tampere, Finland

19 September, 08:15 – 10:30

Side event of the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion 18-21 September.

ETSC and its Finnish members, the Finnish Road Safety Council Liikenneturva, the Finnish Transport Safety Agency (Trafi) and the Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre (LVK) will host a side event at the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion on the 19th of September 2016 in Tampere.

The event aims to broaden knowledge and awareness of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) as a tool to combat speeding and to further discuss the significance of speed especially in the context of safety of vulnerable road users.

Download the agenda.

Presentations for download:

Why does speed matter so much for vulnerable road users, Riikka Rajamäki, Special Adviser, Trafi

Insights from accident investigations into traffic safety of vulnerable road users in urban areas, Kalle Parkkari, Traffic Safety Director, Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre (LVK)

The London experience on ISA, Jane Lupson, Bus Collision Reduction Programme Manager, Transport for London

The road to Intelligent Speed Assistance, Graziella Jost, Programme Manager, ETSC


Media coverage

Sydney Morning Herald global perspective on ISA:

Safety 2016 The World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion is the 12th biennial, international conference on injury prevention and safety promotion. The conference will bring together the world’s leading researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and advocates in the field of injury prevention and safety to debate, discuss and share information and experiences in Tampere from 18th to 21st of September. The main theme for the Safety 2016 conference, “From research to implementation”, seeks to provoke new ideas and experiences to address this gap.

The side event is part of the iSafer campaign which aims to contribute to reducing speed-related road deaths and injuries through the identification and promotion of best practice. The campaign includes seminars aiming to raise awareness of the risks of speeding and exploring the best strategies for the introduction of Intelligent Speed Assistance systems. The project receives financial support from Fundación MAPFRE, the Flemish Government and 3M.