17-18 November – European Road Safety Campaigns Conference 2016, Brussels

  • November 17, 2016

Road safety campaigns have evolved. Organisations across Europe are responding to new risks, changing media consumption patterns and new technologies with innovative, targeted campaigns designed to target hard-to-reach groups and help change behaviour.

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), the Belgian Road Safety Institute (BRSI), the Flemish Department of Mobility and Public Works (MOW), the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (VSV), the Walloon Agency for Road Safety (AWSR) and the Brussels Region organised the second European Road Safety Campaigns Conference on 17 – 18 November in Brussels.

The conference featured presentations on the latest road safety campaigns from across Europe with a focus on distraction and speed. Presentations can be downloaded below and include links to the campaign spots.

Download the agenda.

Presentations for download – SPEED 17th November:

1. Findings from the European Survey of Road users’ safety Attitudes (ESRA)

2. What can we learn from the European CAST project?

3. It is ok not to speed, Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works

4. Take destiny into your own hands, Austrian Road Safety Board

5. Went too fast, gone too soon, Belgian Road Safety Institute

6. A speed campaign in disguise, Finnish Road Safety Council

7. Respect 30/50, Brussels-Capital Region

8. 20’s Plenty for Us

9. Slow down before it’s too late, Danish Road Safety Council

10. Fit Safety as Standard, ETSC

Presentations for download – DISTRACTION 18th November:

1. Don’t look back/Anatomy of a split second, Road Safety Authority, Ireland

2. At the wheel, no phone, Walloon Agency for Road Safety

3. Don’t let this happen, Kosovo Association of Motorization

4. Keep focus, Norwegian Traffic Safety Council & Icelandic Transport Authority

6. The great traffic quiz, Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge

7. The roads need responsible drivers, Republic Council on Road Traffic Safety, Republic of Macedonia

8. Safety jingle, Parents of Child Road Victims