Swedish government backs research project to develop next generation interlocks

  • December 5, 2017

A new project launched by the Swedish Transport Administration and the police is investigating future technological solutions to prevent drink driving.

The project will investigate in-car sensors that can check alcohol levels through a simple touch or by detecting the driver’s breath circulating in the vehicle.  The transport administration says such technologies have the potential to free up police from carrying out time intensive road side breath tests. The new sensor project has just begun and is expected to be completed by 2021.

About a quarter of all road deaths in Sweden are related to alcohol, according to the Swedish Transport Administration. But drink driving enforcement dropped substantially between 2009 and 2016 according to official statistics.

The project will also investigate technologies that can be used outside of the vehicle.  The port of Gothenburg has been trialling a rapid alco-gate system to help prevent vehicles disembarking from ferries from continuing their journey if the driver is over the limit.