Drink Driving in Commercial Transport

  • January 6, 2010

This ETSC policy paper gives an overview of how drink driving could be effectively tackled in commercial transport through various regulations and initiatives. The paper illustrates how alcohol is affecting driving skills and its effect on crash rates. Moreover against the background of their alcohol policies, it shows how successful a number of countries are
in tackling drink driving. Focusing on commercial transport, the paper presents the comprehensive regulatory framework existing in Europe and its Member States and shows the role that private stakeholders can play with their own initiatives to bring even more safety to road transport by eliminating drink-driving. It appears that there is no one-fits-all solution to tackle drink-driving in commercial transport and that current technologies such as alcohol interlocks do not represent an end in themselves to solve the problem. The experience with the use of alcohol interlocks across Europe is summarised in this paper and a detailed overview is provided of their widespread use in Sweden. The role of private stakeholders is crucial in guaranteeing high levels of safe driving culture and assuring sober driving in all circumstances.
