27 June 2018 – Lunch Debate: Fitting Safety As Standard

  • June 27, 2018

Lunch debate hosted by Dr. Dieter-Lebrecht Koch MEP

Fitting Safety As Standard

Wednesday 27 June 2018, 12h15-14h45

European Parliament, Salon Members’ Restaurant (Ground Floor Altiero Spinelli), Brussels

The German Association of Technical Inspection Agencies (VdTÜV), Transport & Environment (T&E) and the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) held a lunch debate in the Salon Members’ Restaurant of the European Parliament on 27 June  to discuss the European Commission’s proposals published on 17 May for the revision of two critical regulations for road safety: the General Safety (661/2009/EC) and Pedestrian Safety (79/2009/EC) Regulations.

This revision is expected to include a set of new vehicle safety measures, including mandatory installation of new driver assistance technologies, such as Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA), Automated Emergency Braking (AEB) and Alcohol Interlocks, as well as revised minimum crash testing standards and measures to protect pedestrians and cyclists.

These regulations represent the most direct and effective measures the EU has to further reduce road deaths and injuries. 25,300 people died on EU roads in 2017 – a figure that has hardly budged in four years. A further 135,000 people are seriously injured each year.

The agenda can be downloaded by clicking here.

List of speakers (presentations and videos can be downloaded by clicking on the links):


This invitation-only event was kindly hosted by Dieter-Lebrecht Koch MEP.