21 June 2018 – SMART policies for tackling drink driving, Athens
21 June 2018, 9:00-13:00
Representation of the European Commission in Greece, 2 Vas. Sofias, Athens, 10674
The Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas together with ETSC, organised an international conference on tackling drink-driving as part of the SMART (Sober Mobility Across Road Transport) project. The debate addressed policy and practice on enforcement, penalties, rehabilitation, alcohol interlocks and other measures to discourage and prevent drink driving.
Representatives from the Greek ministries, traffic police, National Road Safety Council and universities presented the current state of drink driving in the country. International experts from Denmark, Estonia, and Sweden discussed drink driving issues as well as raising awareness on the most effective measures to reduce the number of alcohol-related road deaths. Finally, the Hellenic Association of Brewers also joined the debate to share the role of the industry in tackling drink driving.
The agenda can be downloaded by clicking here
Drink Driving in the EU, Antonio Avenoso – ETSC
Drink Driving policies from Denmark, Pernille Ehlers – Danish Road Safety Council
Drink Driving policies from Sweden, Lars Olov Sjöström – MHF
Drink Driving policies from Estonia, Maria Pashkevich – Estonian Road Administration
The Drink driving situation in Greece, George Yannis – National Technical University of Athens
Police enforcement to tackle drink driving in Greece, Spanoudakis Nikolaos – Traffic Police
Initiatives and actions, Maria Atmatzidou – Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas
The role of the industry in tackling drink driving, Tsichli Kelly – Hellenic Association of Brewers
The role of the industry in tackling drink driving, Panagiotopoulou Elli – Athenian Brewery
Greek TV coverage available here (time: 26:17)
SMART receives financial support from the Brewers of Europe