Sign-the petition against 17-year-olds driving HGVs

  • November 19, 2024

ETSC has joined with lorry driver unions to launch a petition calling for the EU to drop plans to allow 17-year-olds to begin lorry driver training.  

The recommended minimum age for driving a truck in the EU is currently 21. The European Union is now negotiating new rules that could allow 17-year-olds to start accompanied driving.

Statistics show that young drivers have more crashes than more experienced drivers. Crashes involving trucks are much worse than those involving other vehicles.

Truck driving in Europe is a demanding profession requiring a lot of skill, concentration and responsibility. ETSC says the EU should make the job more rewarding, less stressful and risky and attract more experienced drivers rather than trying to find teenagers willing to do the job for low pay and long hours.

If you agree that 17-year-olds driving trucks is a bad idea, you can sign a petition and send an email to your minister for transport in a few clicks via the International Transport Workers’ Federation website.