Safer town label for local authorities in France

  • November 17, 2017

Association Prévention Routière, ETSC’s French member, has launched a new label for towns and cities engaged in improving road safety across their territory.

Towns and cities across France have been invited to apply for the ‘Ville Prudente’ label, which will be awarded at five different levels.  Local authorities have been invited to apply via an online questionnaire which will be followed-up by local visits from the organisation’s volunteer member base.

The organisation has also launched an online tool enabling local authorities to track road collisions within their territory based on public data.

France has a long history of awards for towns and villages including the ‘Ville Fleurie’ scheme and more recent ‘Ville Internet’ programme. Signs signifying the awards are posted on main roads into the town.  The winning towns of the ‘Ville Prudente’ scheme will be announced in November 2018. Candidate towns have until the end of April to apply.