Mercedes to offer Level 3 automated driving at up to 95 km/h on German motorways

  • September 25, 2024

Mercedes has announced that it will introduce an updated version of its conditionally automated driving (SAE Level 3) system in Germany which will allow a vehicle to follow another on a motorway at up to 95 km/h without driver supervision.  The previous maximum speed of the Mercedes Level 3 system was 60 km/h which made its main use case driving in heavy congestion on the motorway.    

Mercedes claims that re-certification by Germany’s Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) is expected by the end of 2024, after which sales of new vehicles and over-the-air updates for some existing models can start at the beginning of 2025.  Operation in other countries will depend on national road rules and EU type approval of the system.  

Mercedes says the new version of the system will enable a driver to drive in free-flowing traffic in the right-hand lane of a motorway while engaging in other tasks such as streaming a movie on an in-vehicle display.  

The fundamental difference between most driving assistance systems available today (which are categorised as Level 2) and the Mercedes system (Level 3) is that the vehicle manufacturer takes responsibility while the vehicle is operated by a Level 3 system.  The driver remains responsible at all times for Level 2 systems, including when the system makes a mistake. 
