European Parliament to set out road safety vision for next decade

  • February 26, 2021

MEPs will have their say on the EU’s road safety strategy for the next ten years in a report expected to be published next month, with formal approval later this year.  ETSC is calling for strong backing for EU and global targets to halve deaths and injuries by 2030, and an increase in EU institutional capacity to tackle road safety issues such as slow improvements in vulnerable road user safety and better oversight of automated driving.

The Parliament’s report follows the publication of the European Commission’s ten year road safety plan published back in June 2019, which was followed up with an outline of planned legislative measures in the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy published in December last year.

The Parliament’s work on the report is being led by Elena Kountoura, a greek MEP from the Parliament’s “The Left” group, and a former Minister of Tourism.

ETSC will be advising MEPs on a range of areas, with a focus on interventions that deliver the most benefits in terms of reduced injury and death.