Dutch drivers sticking to the 100km/h speed limit

  • April 25, 2021

Motorists in the Netherlands are mainly sticking to a new 100 km/h daytime speed limit on motorways, put in place last year to combat high levels of pollution.

A spokesman for the Dutch Directorate-General for Public Works told media last month that data from 200 motorway sensors showed that the majority of drivers respect the limit, contrary to expectations.

Another unexpected benefit has been that many drivers continue to drive more slowly even after the 19.00 deadline passes – with average speeds of 117-118 km/h despite a maximum speed at that time which rises to 130 km/h.

Experts say the move will bring other benefits, such as reduced CO2 emissions and fewer and less severe collisions.   Analysis of the real effect nationally on deaths and injuries is extremely difficult to ascertain due to the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on traffic volumes which occurred at the same time.  Furthermore, Dutch motorways were subject to multiple speed limits before the change to the national daytime 100 km/h limit, some Dutch motorways have a rush hour lane – only opened during times of high traffic volume – and several motorways use dynamic speed limits.