Deal reached on updated rules on cross-border enforcement of traffic offences

  • March 13, 2024

ETSC has welcomed a political agreement reached earlier this month between the European Parliament and the Member States on an update to rules on the enforcement of road traffic rules across EU borders.

Current EU rules on cross-border enforcement have helped increase compliance with road safety traffic rules by non-resident drivers. Nonetheless, in 2019 still some 40% of cross-border offences were committed with impunity, either because the offender was not identified or because payment of the fine was not enforced. The new directive addresses these issues with new provisions improving cooperation between Member States. Besides the automated exchange of information between national authorities, mutual assistance procedures to identify the offender and to enforce fines will be introduced.

New offences have been included such as ‘hit and run’ in addition to the most frequent and egregious offences, such as speeding, drink- and drug-driving.

Commenting on the deal, Ellen Townsend, Policy Director of ETSC said:

“Letting foreign-registered drivers get away with traffic offences isn’t fair and makes our roads less safe. So it’s great that the EU is not only extending the range of traffic offences that can be followed up across borders but also improving the chances of fines being paid.

“There is still more that needs to be done. We need a way of applying penalty points across borders too. But nonetheless, this deal is a step forward for road safety and the Belgian presidency of the EU deserves a pat on the back for seeing this through.”

The legislation still needs final sign-off from the EU institutions and will need to be written into national law in EU Member States before coming into force.