Alcohol a significant factor in e-scooter crashes

  • February 1, 2024

A new literature review and analysis of e-scooter crashes in Sweden by VTI found that most collisions were single-vehicle crashes that occurred in the afternoons, evenings and nights, often on weekends. Physical obstacles in the infrastructure, such as curbs and uneven ground, and bad weather were often contributing factors while helmet use was very low.

Strikingly often, the e-scooter rider in the collision was drunk or at least under the influence of alcohol.  

A large proportion of those who have crashes were under the age of 18. In the years 2021–22, this group accounted for 23 per cent of the injured e-scooter riders.

According to the report’s author, the number of youngsters injured is rising, as more are buying or being given e-scooters.  Young people also have a tendency to ride more than one at a time on the vehicles, which are only designed for one.  

The report discusses various measures to reduce crashes and increase safety around e-scooters including limits on alcohol use and helmet requirements.  It also points out the need for police enforcement, as well as raising concerns over e-scooters that exceed current power and speed limits.

ETSC, together with PACTS, published recommendations for e-scooters in a report published last year.