17 October 2018 – European Conference on Work-Related Road Safety, Brussels
Preventing Road Accidents and Injuries for the Safety of Employees
Wednesday 17th October 2018, 09:30 -15:00
Renaissance Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels
The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) held the 8th Annual European PRAISE Conference on work-related road safety in Brussels on 17 October 2018.
Using the roads is a necessary part of our working lives. But it’s an ordinary activity that leads to an incredibly high level of injury and death. It is estimated that in Europe six out of ten work accidents resulting in death are road collisions, including both crashes while driving for work and commuting crashes (Eurogip). The PRAISE project addresses the safety aspects of driving at work and driving to work.
The conference brought together fleet safety managers, EU institutions, government representatives, and road safety experts to discuss the latest developments and priorities in work related road safety. The winners of the ETSC PRAISE Awards 2018 were also announced.
The agenda is available here to download as a pdf
Photos from the event:
Presentations from the day can be downloaded here:
Morning Session
1. Telematics in Professional Vehicle Fleets – Laurence Atchison, ETSC
2. MiX Telematics: An Introduction/Telematics in Practice – Jonathan Bates, MiX Telematics
3. Occupational Road Risk and the Gig Economy – Heather Ward, UCL
PRAISE Awards Ceremony
4. Best performing Public Authority: STIB/MIVB
5. Highly Commended large company: FM Conway
6. Best performing large company: CTT Correios de Portugal
Afternoon Session
7. Promoting safety at ALSA Buses – Eduardo Mayoral, Director of Safety and Quality at ALSA
8. Bus Safety Policy Update: Transport for London – Kerri Cheek, Bus Safety Development Manager at TfL
ETSC’s PRAISE project addresses the safety aspects of driving at work and driving to work. Its aim is to promote best practice in order to help employers secure high road safety standards for their employees. www.etsc.eu/praisePRAISE is co-ordinated by the ETSC secretariat with the support of: