Poland to end 60 km/h night-time urban speed limit

  • January 18, 2020

The Prime Minister of Poland has announced that the country’s anomalous night-time 60 km/h speed limits in urban areas will soon be scrapped, as part of a new package of road safety measures.

Poland is the only country in Europe with different speed limits in urban areas during the day and at night.  The speed limit will be changed to 50 km/h at all times.

Hungary, which reduced its urban speed limit from 60 to 50 km/h in 1993, saw a reduction in mean speeds of 8% and a decrease in road deaths of 18%, as detailed in a recent ITF report on speed.

Poland has also announced the introduction of the emergency corridor system for improving access for emergency vehicles to collision sites.  The system is already used in Germany, Austria, Hungary and several other EU countries.

The Polish government is also participating in the EU Road Safety Exchange project, run by ETSC on behalf of the European Commission and Parliament.  The programme involves sharing of best practice with other EU member states in areas including road traffic enforcement.