Intelligent Transport Systems group prioritises in-vehicle speed limit information and harmonised user interfaces

  • November 24, 2017

The European Commission’s working group on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (the C-ITS platform) has published its Phase II Final Report, which includes a number of recommendations for prioritising road safety.

C-ITS encompasses sharing of data from transport infrastructure to vehicles, and from vehicle to vehicle.  The technology can support drivers but will also develop as a complement to automated and autonomous vehicles.

The platform’s road safety working group, of which ETSC was a participant, set out a list of priority C-ITS services with higher safety potential that can be implemented in the near future at low cost.  These include information for in-vehicle speed limits, to complement technologies such as Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA), as well as notifications about road works, weather conditions and hazardous locations.

The road safety group also underlined the importance of human interface design for safety.  Display and warning systems should be simple, not create additional distraction, and should use standardised icons so a driver is able to understand them in any vehicle.

Download the full report.

Download the ETSC briefing on C-ITS