20 June 2016 – Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) conference, Brussels

  • June 20, 2016

Norway House, Brussels, 20 June 2016, 14.00-18.30

For two years, European progress on improving road safety has stalled. At the 2016 PIN conference, ETSC launched its latest annual report explaining why some countries are still making progress, some have stagnated, and several are going in reverse. We also highlighted two areas where EU and Member State action will be critical to future progress: enhanced enforcement of road safety laws, and improved vehicle safety.

The winner of this year’s PIN Award, for a country making outstanding progress on road safety, was presented to Norway.

Click here to download the agenda.

Press release and media coverage


Antonio Avenoso, ETSC – Road Safety Performance Index PIN Award 2016

Tom Cato Karlsen, State Secretary, Minsitry of Transport and Communcations – Road safety in Norway

Heather Ward, UCL – Progress in reducing deaths an seriously injured on Europe’s roads

Henk Stipdonk, SWOV – How safe are new cars sold in the EU. An analysis of the market penetration of Euro NCAP tested cars

Michiel Van Ratingen, Euro NCAP – Euro NCAP for safer cars

Graziella Jost, ETSC – How traffic law enforcement can contribute to safer roads

Conference videos

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3