Work Related Road Safety Management Programmes

  • April 25, 2012

[stylebox type=”info”]PRAISE Thematic Report 9[/stylebox]

The report presents the main elements of Work Related Road Safety (WRRS) management as a means of addressing work-related road risks. It commences by outlining why employers should address WRRS and by giving ideas on where to begin within individual organisations. Part of this is making the business case for managing road risk and demonstrating where savings can be made by investing proactively in road safety by employers. The third section looks at the importance of leadership in introducing a WRRS programme and integrating that into a management structure. Different models of management are presented briefly with structures aimed at managing risk. The following section focuses on risk assessment explaining how ultimately this aims to eliminate risk altogether and, if this is not possible, looking at how to minimise it. It presents the approach to risk assessment and then applies it specifically to transport. The report then looks at which indicators should be monitored and evaluated and gives suggestions on how this should be undertaken. The report underlines the need to consider the driver, the journey and the vehicle. Driver management and internal communication is presented alongside an introduction to journey management. The importance of preparing a work-related road safety policy is discussed and a possible sample is included. The report also includes a summary of key measures to tackle common risk areas for WRRS such as speed, alcohol, drugs and medicine, fatigue and distraction. The final part looks at what should be dealt with in the area of vehicle management and maintenance. A recent review stressed the need to raise levels of evaluation of the management approach to work related driver safety to support the interventions at the organisational level. The report refers extensively to the other reports prepared in the context of the PRAISE project.


