A third of young drivers admit taking ‘selfies’ at the wheel

  • September 18, 2014

Research by Ford carried out in seven EU countries has found that young British drivers are the most likely to take a ‘selfie’ while driving.

According to the survey, British drivers were the most likely to photograph themselves while on the move (33 per cent), ahead of counterparts in Germany (28 per cent), France (28 per cent), Romania (27 per cent), Italy (26 per cent), Spain (18 per cent), and Belgium (17 per cent).

The survey of 7,000 smartphone users aged 18-24 from across Europe also showed one in four people had used social media sites behind the wheel; and that young male drivers were the most likely to ignore the risks. Nearly all drivers surveyed agreed the activities were dangerous. A similar survey by ETSC’s member Liikenneturva found a third of drivers admitted reading text messages or Facebook while driving.

In Europe, transport accidents remain the largest single cause of death among people aged 15 to 29.

  • General Motors is planning to introduce new sensor technology in its cars to warn drivers of lapses in attention either due to fatigue or distraction. See article
  • The Belgian Road Safety Institute has launched a new communications campaign targeting drivers who use their mobile at the wheel.  The BRSI say 1 in 3 Belgian drivers admits to sending an SMS while driving and almost half say they have made a call while holding the phone in their hand. See press release (in French)
  • ETSC, together with its Finnish member Liikenneturva, will hold a seminar on distracted driving in Helsinki on 7 October. Event website