Final event of the PANACEA project: a holistic approach to fitness to drive

  • June 13, 2024

Sep 10, 2024


09:00 to 11:45


Online (Zoom)

The PANACEA project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, is coming to a close and we invite you to join our final event to discover the results of the project and the lessons learnt along the way.

The PANACEA project sought to develop a new system testing different impairments in commercial drivers. The PANACEA system developed during the project tests for alcohol, drugs, fatigue, stress, cognitive load and cognitive distraction, monitors before, during and after driving and provides both drivers and operators with countermeasures should impairments be detected. The system was tested in three pilot sites in Sweden, Greece and Spain.

During this webinar we will present details of how the integrated fitness to drive monitoring and assessment system was built, how the countermeasures were selected and designed and what the outcomes were from the pilot sites.

We will also look forward to the impact of the project for example on future standards and the regulatory environment and of course share all our lessons learnt along the way.

Join the event live at:
