Drink-Driving in Estonia


Alcohol-related road deaths recorded by the police in Estonia for 2020 and 2021 were similar, with respectively 16 and 17 road deaths attributed to alcohol.

National policies

2000: Introduction of a 0.2g/l Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit for all drivers.

2009 Evidential breathalysers used for the first time.

2015 Fines were increased for a criminal level drink-driving offence, with a new maximum of 5,000 euros. Road safety rehabilitation programmes were introduced as an alternative option instead of a driving ban.

BAC limits and sanctions

0.2 for all drivers

Detailed Sanctions are shown in the table below:

BAC (g/l)Fine Driving banImprisonment
0.2 to 0.49g/lup to 100 fine units *

* A fine unit is equal to 4 euros.
Up to six months as an
alternative to a fine
0.5 to 1.49g/lup to 300 fine units *

* A fine unit is equal to 4 euros.
Up to twelve months as an
alternative to a fine
Can apply
Above 1.5g/lFor a criminal offence, the judge may impose a fine of thirty to five hundred
daily rates. The minimum daily rate is around 10 euros.
In addition, the judge may decide to withdraw the driving licence for a period
of at least three months
Up to 3 years


Alcohol tests are done systematically in practice for all active participants of a road collision, either alive or dead.

Estonia has the highest drink-driving enforcement levels in the EU. Since 2015, Estonia has recorded the highest number of roadside police drink-driving checks compared to other EU countries that could provide data. The most active year was 2019, with 696 checks carried out per 1000 population.

Rehabilitation and Alcohol Interlock programmes

No Alcohol Interlock rehabilitation programme in place. However, alcohol interlocks are required within state public procurement for state-owned public transport vehicles.
There is a drink-driving rehabilitation programme in Estonia for those sanctioned with a driving ban. However, alcohol interlock use is not a part of the programme.


In 2021 the Estonian Transport Administration carried out a joint campaign together with the rescue service on the risks of drink-driving. The campaign is still ongoing in 2022. The key message is that every person has the duty to stop another person from driving under the influence of alcohol.

 To read the full country focus click here.
