Drink-Driving in Czech Republic


Officially recorded alcohol-related road deaths accounted for almost 10% of all road deaths in 2019, (60 out of 617 total road deaths). Preliminary figures for 2020 record 57 deaths due to alcohol impairment on Czech roads.

The Czech Republic has a long tradition in collecting reliable alcohol data after road collisions. A breath test is done and reported by the police for all road crashes that occur and road safety experts believe that the level of underreporting is very low.

National policies

At the beginning of 2021, drink-driving measures were adopted in the new National Traffic Safety Strategy for 2021 – 2030:

  • Make more intensive alcohol roadside checks. Increase visible police surveillance with a focus on speed, alcohol and addictive substances;
  • Promotion of in-vehicle technologies installation (i.e. alcohol interlocks) with reference to the implementation of the EU Regulation 2019/2144 on type-approval requirements for motor vehicles (Article 6).

BAC limits and sanctions

The standard BAC limit for all drivers is zero since 1953 (tolerance level up to 0.24g/l).

The sanctions foreseen by Czech legislation for drivers under the influence of alcohol are the following:

BAC (g/l)Fine Driving banPenalty PointsImprisonment
≤0.3 g/l100 – 800 eurosFrom 6 months to 1 year0
Between 0.3 and 1.0g/l100 – 800 eurosFrom 1 to 2 years7
>1.0g/l1000 to 2000 eurosUp to 10 years7Up to 3 years


Systematic breath testing was introduced in January 2010. All drivers stopped by the police are systematically breath-tested for alcohol. Traffic police checks in 2019 found 6572 drivers positive, a percentage of 0.56 — 0.72 % of all checks (range from two types of checks). In 2020, 4937 drivers tested positive, a percentage of 0.41 up to 0.74 % (range from two types of checks).

Rehabilitation and Alcohol Interlock programmes

No Alcohol Interlock programme adopted.


One of the most recent drink-driving campaigns run by the Czech Governmental Council for Road Safety (Besip) was launched in October 2020 and is called “Nenech se ovlivnit” (Don’t be influenced). It focuses on young drivers under 25, showing the risks related to alcohol and drug consumption while driving. The campaign includes a TV spot and two radio spots, which were broadcast from October to December on TV and radio stations and shared on the web and social networks.

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