Alcohol Interlocks in Austria
Relevant administration
Driving licence administration authorities (an operative coordinating institution (“ABS Institution”) has been created for the purpose of the trial)
Trial and entry into force
- Pilot project 2012-2013
- 2017 – 2022 (5 year trial)
Position in the legal system
How many AI installed today ?
150 – 200 installations per year
Offenders that volunteer based on the following criteria :
- Only category B and BE
- A suspension of the driving licence for at least four months
- The expiration of at least half of the suspension period
- No alcohol addiction
Rehabilitation/medical aspects
The driver has to meet a mentor every two months
- Examination of data readout for violations
- Discussion of the participant‘s experience with the device Discussion of the driving behaviour in reference to the data readout and driver‘s logbook and development of strategies for a successful continuation of the programme
- Support with administrative procedures in relation to the DUI offence
- No mandatory medical or psychological examination (medical or psychological measures can be required in the revocation proceedings, in this case they have to be fulfilled before entering the alcohol interlock programme)
- 2,500 euros/year for the device
- 600 euros minimum for the mentoring programme
- 300 euros to install and remove the device
Approximately 80% men
Participation rate
- No general participation rate can be identified because there are no figures available of how many are eligible.
- It can be said that once a candidate is in contact with the ABS institution there is a participation rate of nearly 99%
No official evaluation yet (Evaluation planned after the trial period ends in 2022)