Members and Sponsors
Our Members
Austrian Road Safety Board (KFV)
Agence wallonne pour la Sécurité routière (AWSR)
Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (VSV)
Vias Institute (formerly BRSI/IBSR/BIVV)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Traffic Safety Agency of Republika Srpska
University of Sarajevo Faculty of Traffic and Communications
Bulgarian State Agency for Road Safety
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Czech Republic
Czech Transport Research Center
Finnish Crash Data Institute (OTI)
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (TRAFICOM)
Association Prévention Routière
Automobile and Travel Club Germany (ARCD)
Björn Steiger Stiftung
FSD – The Central Agency for Periodic Technical Inspection
German Road Safety Council (Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat) (DVR)
Verkehrsunfall-Opferhilfe Deutschland (VOD) e.V.
Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT)
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering
Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas
Hungarian Institute for Transport Sciences and Logistics (KTI)
Automobile Club d’Italia
Centro Studi Città Amica per la Sicurezza nella Mobilità – CeSCAM, University of Brescia
CTL – Research Center for Transport and Logistics, Sapienza University of Rome
Fondazione Ania
Fondazione Unipolis
Malta Road Safety Council
MA – The Norwegian Motorists Association
Trygg Trafikk – The Norwegian Council for Road Safety
Motor Transport Institute (ITS)
National Road Safety Authority (ANSR)
Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa
The Children’s Car Safety Foundation
Road Traffic Safety Agency, Republic of Serbia
Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency
Catalan Traffic Service – Servei Català de Trànsit
Fundación MAPFRE
Folksam Research
Swedish Abstaining Motorists’ Association (MHF)
Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (bfu)
United Kingdom
Global NCAP
Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS)
Road Safety Support
The Road Safety Trust
Safer Roads Foundation
Transport Scotland
International organisations
European Driving Schools Association (EFA)
European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR)
Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM)
Global Road Safety Partnership
International Road Victims’ Partnership (IRVP)
MOVING International Road Safety Association e.V.
Our work is heavily based on our members’ contributions and interests. To provide an unbiased focus on European transport safety policy, ETSC seeks to bring together all major national and international safety organisations from all EU Member States.
Reasons to join ETSC
- We bring our member organisations closer to the decision-making process of the European Institutions on road safety policy.
- As an independent organisation promoting science-based solutions, we offer an ideal network for knowledge-exchange and dissemination of your latest research findings amongst safety professionals from a variety of disciplines, countries, and political levels.
- Members can contribute to ETSC’s well-known and widely-distributed Reviews, Newsletters and Position Papers.
- Our wide range of members offers a unique opportunity to improve your international visibility and to establish fruitful contacts with key individuals working in transport safety at both European and national level.
- Member organisations are encouraged to submit project proposals for thematic networks and research consortia funded by the European institutions.
- Your membership of ETSC will ensure that your organisation can respond quickly to the latest policy and research developments in Europe.
- By supporting ETSC’s rational approach towards transport safety you will reinforce your reputation as a leading stakeholder in transport safety in Europe.
- The network of ETSC offers access to new knowledge and technological innovations that represent the cutting edge of transport safety development.
If you would like to discuss how your organisation can join ETSC, please contact Antonio Avenoso, Executive Director (
Criteria for ETSC membership
Members of ETSC must generally be non-profit, public interest organisations, for example: transport safety associations, transport victims’ associations, universities, research centres, local authorities, national transport safety agencies and road safety foundations.
Companies are not usually accepted as members – but can sponsor our activites. Exceptions can be made to this rule, for example insurance companies could be considered for membership in view of their interest in reducing road risk. The final decision on membership applications rests with the Board of Directors.
Members are expected to share ETSC’s objective of promoting transport safety for the public benefit.
Members must pay their membership fee. ETSC standard terms are payment within 60 days of the date of invoice.
ETSC does not endorse member organisations, their policies, products or services. Members must not state or imply that ETSC does so. Members are encouraged to state that they are members of ETSC and to use the ETSC logo, subject to the above. ETSC is not a “lobby” group and does not represent sectional interests of members. ETSC seeks to influence policy makers in order to fulfil its objective through impartial, scientific, evidence-based argument. If a member has a significant disagreement with ETSC on any matter, we expect this to be discussed directly with the Executive Director or President, and not publicly.
ETSC withholds the right to refuse or suspend membership of any organisation that, in the view of ETSC Board of Directors, brings, or is likely to bring, ETSC into disrepute.
ETSC’s work is financed by its members, through projects co-funded by the European Commission, and public and private sector sponsorship.
Public sponsors
- European Commission
- Norwegian Public Roads Administration
All members pay a membership fee, the following organisations support specific ETSC projects with additional funds.
- Fundación MAPFRE
- German Road Safety Council (DVR)
Corporate partners
- Alcohol Countermeasure Systems
- CITA – the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee
- Securetec
- Toyota Motor Europe
Benefits of corporate partnerships with ETSC
- ETSC offers the opportunity, through sponsorship, to actively support its objectives in seeking to reduce the numbers of deaths and injuries in transport in Europe and in identifying, promoting and implementing best practice in transport safety.
- Members of ETSC’s sponsorship consortium have the opportunity to access ETSC’s network which brings together some of the most respected scientists and professionals in this field in Europe.
- A company’s support will be acknowledged in ETSC’s widely disseminated publications (reviews, event invitations and newsletters), although sponsors are invited to advise ETSC at the start of their sponsorship if there are any publications with which they do not wish to be associated. Each publication states clearly that the views expressed are purely those of ETSC and do not necessarily reflect sponsors’ views. All publications will be published on ETSC’s website.
For information on sponsorship please contact Antonio Avenoso, Executive Director (