15 November – Regulating Drug Driving to Protect All Road Users, Warsaw

  • November 15, 2018

15 November 2018, 09:00-13:30

Radisson Blu Sobieski Warsaw
Plac Zawiszy 1, 02-025 Warsaw, Poland

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) and the Polish Motor Transport Institute (Instytut Transportu Samochodowego – ITS) held a seminar on drug driving on 15 November in Warsaw, Poland.

Knowledge of the road safety toll from driving under the influence of psychoactive drugs is growing. In Poland, 10% of drivers have admitted to have driven under the influence of drugs. The prevalence of illicit drugs amongst killed drivers has been estimated at around 8% in some European countries.

New ways of tackling drug driving are being developed and implemented across Europe. New enforcement strategies and improved detection technologies, combined with more effective penalties and rehabilitation courses, are all helping to create a more comprehensive approach.

During the seminar, an overview of the current state of drug driving in Poland and the EU was presented. Experts from the United Kingdom and France also shared their experiences with implementing drug driving laws. A discussion on measures to tackle drug driving in Poland was subsequently held with experts, politicians and stakeholders from the private sector attending the meeting.

Download the agenda here.

ETSC is grateful to Securetec for the financial support for this event.