8 June 2017 – Preventing road accidents and injuries for the safety of employees, Tallinn

  • June 8, 2017

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), Tallinn University of Technology and the Estonian Roads Administration have the pleasure of inviting you to the European PRAISE seminar on preventing road risk for employees.

The PRAISE project “Preventing Road Accidents and Injuries for the Safety of Employees” addresses road safety risks in the work context. The project was co-funded by the European Commission, and is now supported by the Fundación MAPFRE, the German Road Safety Council (DVR), and the Dräger Foundation.

PRAISE aims to promote best practices and spur on employers to secure high road safety standards for their employees. In the framework of this campaign, ETSC is organising an international seminar in Tallinn bringing together the Union of haulers, Police, fleet safety managers, government representatives, social affairs representatives and road safety experts from Europe.

On the agenda will be measures to improve work related road safety in Estonia and in other EU Member States. The program will also include contributions from leading occupational health and safety experts in Estonia but also presentations of ETSC’s Thematic Reports.

Interpretation Estonian/English will be provided to participants.

Download the agenda.

Presentations for download:

The PRAISE Project, Antonio Avensoso, ETSC

Professional Drivers and Enforcement of Driving: The Police Perspective, Ruth Purdie, TISPOL

The role of authorities when dealing with infringement of working regulations of truck and bus drivers, Gerard Schipper, Euro Control

Driver Safety Management Systems, Andy Phillips, JACOBS (UK)