European Parliament backs resolution on an EU cycling strategy

  • February 18, 2023

The European Parliament has passed a resolution calling for an EU cycling strategy, in an important step for equal treatment and financial support for the healthy and clean mode of transport. The resolution passed earlier this month was spearheaded by MEP Karima Delli, and is the strongest endorsement of cycling by the Parliament to date. 

The Parliament’s resolution highlights the importance of cycling as a fully-fledged mode of transport that should be treated with the same importance as any other mode of transport. The initiative follows action on the issue by 11 EU countries, including France and Spain, through the “European Cycling Declaration,” which also calls for an EU cycling strategy.

The European Cyclists Federation (ECF) says although there is a growing political and social will for cycling across Europe, progress has been sporadic and uneven. Large gaps in infrastructure and the dominance of fast-moving car traffic on roads remain, and financial incentives for cars still outnumber those for cycling. EU policy on cycling is addressed but not treated cohesively, says ECF. The EU Urban Mobility Framework and the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive call for more cycling infrastructure and parking facilities, but nothing is connecting the dots. A strategic plan is required to significantly increase cycling across Europe to achieve the EU’s goal of becoming a climate-neutral continent by 2050 and improving health outcomes and mobility patterns.